Written by:
Published on: 01 Jan 0001

- beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep ford demonstrate a revolutionary parking sensor - LSA
- Next door neighbour denies moving boundary wall during the night - Shoutingbrown
- mobile 3rd world housing reaches a new stage of development - Soap on a Rope
- It seems he really was driving her up the wall - Krist
- Am I too close to the curb or is that far enough? - Rich
- Car moonwalking experiment goes horribly wrong - TigerMaple
- Perhaps getting zoe the car for her birthday wasn’t such a good idea - P. Inc
- Well the space looked large enough from the street - M.C.P.
- That damn car is humping my fence again! - The empry eggroll boy
- I schwear! i only had the 1 pint, ochifer! - Jim H rules!!!!!
- supply drops to Afghanistan - Abdul Abadabadabadabadabdagudju
- shame about the air brakes - pjmg21@hotmail.com
- I TOLD you we couldn’t make that roof jump !! - Blackfire
- Who parked their f##king car here!? - lalalala
- Well that wall wasn’t here yesterday. - Irish Duderino
- when i said you drive me up the wall dear, i didn’t mean it literally! - prozac_alice
- back a bit….baaaack……woah! stop! stop! - joe_curr
- you did it AGAIN?????? - captain apathy
Written by:
Published on: 01 Jan 0001

- Fuckin hell- this is half way to the best policemans ball of all time!!!!! - muckingfuppet
- I’ve got the pot, now where did I park my car? - The Teddy Bears Picnic
- for medicinal use is it sir ?……… - winnie the poo (back from the dead)
- Suddenly, being stranded with Wilson all made sense. -* manic marmoset*
- ‘Anybody got a 500-gallon plastic bag?’ - Bill Nash
- now what was that cake recipe again? - Lanky South African
- British police have gone to pot. - Phiiil
- The battered russian economy tries to compete with Mount Rushmore. - Phiiil
- shit, my mum’ll kill me! - freddy
- Welcome to the Tesco exotic salad department - Himself
- british police go to pot - mark adams
- i said go pot holing you idiot - mark adams
- High there, how you dooing! - Puffin’ Bigman - whhoooo!
- The battered russian economy tries to compete with Mount Rushmore. - Phiiil
- ‘Something smells funny!’ -* mistor conedome*
- P.C smith was REALLY pleased with his miracle grow. -* jim H roooooollllzzzzzz!*
- A policeman inspects the overgrown weeds of a columbian asylum seekers home. - Richiebwoy
- Cor! The Queens garden sure is lovely this fall. - An American Twit
- i am not a grass - mark adams
Written by:
Published on: 01 Jan 0001

- I’m not fat, I’m big boned! - The lanky South African
- Election campaign takes bad turn when ‘stamp your vote starts up’ - Dead meat
- Battle of Obesity - Tom
- Take two eggs and beat them up… - jackajack
- It’s ‘Two-jabs’ prescott - CC
- John Prescott emphasises his views on illegal immigrants - Lanky South African again
- Prescott demonstrates Labours new Hard line tactics on community policing… - matt bibbings
- i was positive he had foot and mouth…. - Hungleberry beater
- At least he’s leading with the left ! - giroboy
- John Prescott sums up the nations’ hatred of the mullet hair-cut - Joe_Curr
- ‘Thats a lovely mullet, mind if I have a quick feel?’ - kano
- The first rule about Tory Club is: you do not talk about Tory Club. - Irish dude.
- I Said Pull My Finger Not Slap Da Face - woodybfc
- ’…and I’m gonna fight taxes just like THIS, baby!!!’ - Rosey
- Take that Widdicombe-Oh sorry sir,easy mistake!! - Muckingfuppet
- Prescott gets a bit carried away with his ‘i’m a little teapot’ routine. - Brown
- Now read my new book: Vote for me or i smash your face in! By John ‘PR’ Presscot - Richard
Written by:
Published on: 01 Jan 0001

- Lost At Sea Victim ‘Timmy’, Just Seconds Before The Chains Snapped - Rosey
- 1944 d-day. - Rob Michael
- New Zealand Pilot in training on how to crash a jet in the sea! - woodybfc
- I’m coming to get you nartzi F**kers!!! - *woodybfc
- The Yanks last line of defence, before Kamakazi, SLINGSHOT BABIES!!!! - A babe for all occasions! Aus
- Sling Shot Air Lines, Children Fly Free! - AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE!
- Hey Soffie, after we finish with the swing do you want to build a sandbag castle -* OI!!! OI!!! OI!!!*
- The Kilshaws try the newest way to get a baby through customs - CC
- Bob, did you leave the Star Gate open again - Scrumpydoode
- supermans baby brother needs a little help from 2 passing harriers……… - googly2k1 is THE best!
- Godzilla would soon come from the depths and claim the child sacrifice. - Skeevy.com
- ‘mummy! NOOOOOOO!’ were the last words of the most recent victim of the evil mum - Googly2k1 is the greatest!
- Previously unreleased phot of the D-Day invasion - ConorBongo
- This baby has no legs! - conorbongo
- invisible man, uses toddler as ammunition in giant sling shot. - silvertongue
- french deny firing medium range toddlers across the channel
- Freakish Whale Baby Air-lifter after beaching self in search of hind legs. - P. Diddly Dog Darwin
- William Hague swings Further to the Right… - John Whitington
- ‘If only I had a playstation’ -* lex hart*
- Cures for nappy rash take a turn for the worse - Deadmeat
Written by:
Published on: 01 Jan 0001

- Jackson Five reform. Michael finds it hard to refute plastic surgery claims - Joe_Curr
- Man discovers indisputable evidence of KGB cloning program. - GiroBoy
- Popstars 2nd series searches for four lucky stars. Which four will win?!!?? :-) - Joe_Curr
- New from Hasbro: ‘Russian Presidents’ - Sean the Irish Bastard
- Russian inflatable sex aids need some work admits man sucking his thumb - Scrumpydoode
- IT’s The Pigmi’s, It’s the PIGMI’s! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!! - Pigmi slayer, Australia!
- Man discovers lost family after picking his nose - LordVader
- ‘Former president’ action figures hit the shelves today, drawing big crowd. - Sidney Taupin
- another potential victim of the train spoting club - royston
- Hey, anybody fancy a little head? - LordVader
- The Result of Endless Drug Taking on behalf of Brian! - Daniel Aus
- Pigmi’s??? did someone say Pigmi’s? ARRRRGGGHHH RUNN FOR YouR LIVES!!! - Pigmi slayer aus
- Jeffry REALLY hated his family reunions….. - googly2k jim is the best! tom c is the loser!
- Man!! if I do another line these pricks might piss off!!! - snuffy
- another brutal beating involving the infamous’Russian big head mafia!’ - googly2000
- ‘I found them officer, honest!’ - PaulC
Written by:
Published on: 01 Jan 0001

- ‘I wish I’d picked number 1 now’, John whispers to Cilla Black - Joe_Curr
- The special effects budget for Jaws 5 ran out pretty early on. - HC
- REVENGE! Anglers beware for the trout send in the secret weapon. Mwahahahaha! - LordVader
- The first fish ventriloquist show off his new puppet Clive - Greasy luva
- Once i’d married her, the fat old trout really let herself slip. - mattbibbings@yahoo.co.uk
- The Human type Fly wasn’t to Trout’s taste - Ben Pearce - UK
- ‘And don’t forget me crisps’ Sharon tells Bob at the Cardiff nightclub hotspot - Scrumpydoode
- mmm Something smells fishy Bob said!!! - I woulda expected it from someone else by now! Daniel Melb Aus
- I once caught a fish this big, and I framed it, Joe Explains! - Daniel Melb Aus
- OH, baby back ribs, or shall i go for his buttocks - pur qwelle qwellero
- RUN AWAY!!!!! - Cheese molester
- The morning after Jeff was not quite so impressed with his ‘bird’ - Mr Fluffy
- Mr Fish was quite surprised by Franks taste in fashion, very appalling!!! - Yep Dan again! gotta love this!