Written by:
Published on: 01 Jan 0001

- I can see the pub from ‘ere! - LordVader
- ‘Jeeeesus Christ, that was lucky….’ - Joe_Curr
- This ‘Divine intervention’ lark ain’t all it’s cracked up to be….. - Matt Bibbings
- Turnout for this years ‘Human Yo-Yo’s for Jesus’ was less than expected - mattbibbings@yahoo.co.uk
- Exits are here, here, and.. there’s no need to jump out quite so prematurely - Peteza
- Jimmy Hills puppet show was always a great hit at the toga party - Scrumpydoode
- I didn’t crash here, I just felt like hanging out with the holy guy for a while! - Daniel (Australia) this page rox!
- jesus, christ this wedge is killing me! I think I have a holly parachute! - Daniel, its me again
- hey big boy, do you work out? - craccas
- fee fie foe fum, I smell the pit hair of the holly one! - Daniel
- Say hello to my lil’ friend - LordVader
- Jesus: the cheeky bugger nicked the umbrella from my cocktail! - googly2000, g2k, googly man!
- Jesus receives parachute Action-Man in a cracker at the last supper - Greasy luva
Written by:
Published on: 01 Jan 0001

- Government considers U-turn on research into genetically modified spiders. - Joe_Curr
- Turner Prize entry turns on artist - Giroboy
- ‘Tape Man’ proves a flop at the annual superhero ball - Joe_Curr
- Some days, you really wish you’d shaved your chest… - JamBoy
- Bank robberies take on bizarre new twist with tape guns - Deadmeat
- Novel methods employed to hold back the hordes, on Playstation 2 release day… - JamBoy
- Historic time-capsule reveals ‘missing link’… - gregarious gibbon
- Mr Smith never did get the hang of wrapping presents - Deadmeat
- Thats what you get for robbing ‘stationary box’! - SomeKindaBliss
- The local village people had had enough of his thieving.
- Duct Tape is Stronger than UHU - Sil
- Twat gets himself caught in another ‘sticky’ situation… - LordVader
- Duck Tape Chairman say’s ‘The pay cut was just a joke’ - Deadmeat
- Jenny Craig tout’s break through weight loss method (results not typical) - manic marmoset
- Critics agree: George Lucas’ latest special fx leave something to be desired… - manic marmoset
- The forgotten 3rd world population enjoys the tale of Christmas - B>E<X
- Be with you in a minute; I’m a little tied up… - Sparky
- NHS bed shortage solution given the go ahead - mattbibbings@yahoo.co.uk
Written by:
Published on: 01 Jan 0001

- Cash strapped Millennium Dome loses roof. Body Zone nothing more than a skeleton - Joe_Curr
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons tournament takes longer than planned - LordVader
- gullivar lives…….. sort of - jill
- The Necronomicon is the source of all evil, Mwahahahahahahahaha! - CC, This is my boomstick!
- Victims were not too chuffed about seeing ‘Hell’s’ This Your Life big red book - Scrumpydoode
- Posh spice gets pop-up book for Christmas - Giroboy
- Bloody bookworms get everywhere - ChilliBear
- Millennium Dome facelift - Visitors to ‘Book World’ hope for good weather - Joe_Curr
- Eammon Andrews exhumed to present this is your life - Simon
- God vents awful vengeance on all who read the ‘All New Pop-Up Bible’ - Simon
- posh spice enjoys her celebrity status above the little people - tim s
- Man devoured by evil pigmys while reading book - LordVader
- Posh Spice gets her first pop-up book - Simon
- Food crisis on lilliput ‘send us another UN envoy please’ - Deadmeat
Written by:
Published on: 01 Jan 0001

- America denies puppet-president - Joe_Curr
- ‘I don’t understand!! They used to fit!!! - strawberrrie22
- Before the op, my tits were this big! - Ewan
- Ugly bloke denies sexual harassment charges from Invisible Woman. - JamBoy
- one, two, three, seven, eight, oh wait….
- So THAT’S how hedgehogs shag! - Sparky
- i dont need a ‘REAL’ monica lewinski, all i need is a bit of imagination! - googly2k
- ‘You talkin’ to me?’ - Sean the Irish Bastard
- You lookin at me………. - R. De Nero
- Russian ambassador clears U.N. with statement ‘I want to be a real woman!’ - Deadmeat
- Bob’s fart demonstrations were notoriously unpopular. - Namrah
- Manual recounting of the Al Gore presidential votes - LordVader
- Politician admits to taking viagra: I swear it was this big - LordVader
- Red blood cells develop freaky mutation - Wookster
- I knew I shouldn’t have beans for lunch - Wookster
- Not too difficult - A Single man counts up Al Gores presidential votes - Wookster
- International Hand Gesture #46: ‘You fat bastard, you ate all the pies.’ - JamBoy
- 1st sign of madness - looking for hairs on the palm of your hands - LordVader
- Pervert demonstrates advantages of female characters in virtual reality - LordVader
- ‘I tell you Mo Mowlams were this big!!!’ - Deadmeat
- It was a lonely conference and he just wanted a hug! - Bad Boy Malcolm
- It was here a moment ago… - death to the muppets
- ‘Yo yo yo Mr speaker waasssuuuuppp!!’ - Deadmeat
- ‘i tell no lies they were this big.. ‘ - s
- Bob stretched his fingers before playing the worlds longest piano - Scrumpydoode
Written by:
Published on: 01 Jan 0001

- Surprise toys now bundled in new white smarties! - Hoffin’ Bigman
- Billy the blue monster was surprised when he squeezed the boil - Ewan
- The U S air force proudly sky write todays friendly fire tally - Scrumpydoode
- Never disturb a Hornet’s nest!
- Chickens are new players in aerospace technology - Vic
- Gives the term ‘the lynx effect’ a whole new meaning - Tom ‘Kickass’ Cantrill 10Jaaay baby!
- what the f*k, i’m stuck! - *hmmm
- ‘Sod the coming out of the Sun, they will never see us coming out of the clouds’
- US Fighter develops severe case of haemorrhoids - Wookster
- look, i told you not to spill the aliens beer! - googly2k
- Caught on camera: mutant sperm - Wookster
- Non-lethal weaponry is fair enough, but this cotton-wool missile is just shite.. - Jamboy
- Where the fuck did that paracetamol come from - jelly
- Dow Corning, dragged into further lawsuits, denies culpability. - Bill Nicholson nicomp42@hotmail.com
- Mutant Breast-Cloud in Stiff Nipple Shocker! - TigerMaple
- Smarties have more than the answers we now have your planes - Daveyboy
- I told you, ECM is for Electronic Countermeasures, not External Candyfloss Maker - JamBoy
- Airforce expresses anger at ‘World’s Largest Cottonball’ botch-up. - Mr Cool
- McDonnell Douglas replace braking ‘chutes with airbag. ‘Needs work’ says RAF. - JamBoy
- Fluffy aliens 1 USAF 0 - Daveyboy
- USAF in ballet-shocker. Don’t mess with their tu-tu’s! - Joe_Curr
Written by:
Published on: 01 Jan 0001

- The car on top is a Toyota - Hoffin Bigman
- Security personnel caught in bizarre car-sex voyeurism shocker! - JamBoy
- Yes sir we can just squeeze in one more - Dai Laffin
- Production technique for new Mini exposed - Vic
- The latest in budget multi story car parks - ozzy
- Tony Adams tells police ‘I’m not pished’ - scrumpydoode
- Mr Prescotts next transport plan goes bolloks up again - Scart Lead
- And they say women can’t park…
- And she passed her test! - Double standards……………. never! CC
- ‘Move along please, theres nothing for you to see here’ - Colin
- tut - typical BMW driver - Dougs
- prevent your car from getting nicked, hide it under someone else’s one
- Doctors are debating whether to separate the Siamese cars, so that one can live - SKB
- damn it! missed the skoda ! - googlyman!
- The new multipla from fiat - Blinky Bill
- i told you women could’nt park! - paddy
- Daewoo sir? That will do nicely - Dai Laffin
- Damn it! Missed the parking assistant. - Hoffin Bigman
- Low turnout at this years Dukes of Hazard fanclub conference - Where’s Daisy?
- No, i don’t think you’ll need your umbrella madam! - Simon
- Left hand down a bit! - Sparky
- i think you may have failed reverse parking - alan from oz
- don’t wear wellys when reversing! - alan from oz
- i’ll have to do you for illegal parking!
- it`s raining i couldn’t see the lines!
- this is your captain speaking,do not be alarmed! if everthin starts to melt! - al from oz
- ‘Do you like my new jacket - it’s yellow you know.’